Featured in VAULT, Fakewhale’s permanent collection with special article in May 2023


May 23, 2023

Qubibi has been selected for the collection of permanent online exhibition "VAULT" by Fakewhale, has donated the artwork "nr23I5tw523Hk." VAULT is based on the concept of documenting influential creators in the blockchain-supported digital art market, sharing stories about the artworks and their creators. The pieces minted for VAULT are not for sale. In addition to being available online, it is planned to be displayed at IRL exhibitions by Fakewhale around the world.

The artist page for VAULT features a background on qubibi and descriptions of artworks, including the representative series "mimizu," as well as pieces such as "’Magical’ Door," "hello world," and "wiwizn.”

How honorable. Thanks!

qubibi’s page on VAULT
